Sunday, 29 May 2016


Hello I’m Mar.
I'm going to talk about my Christmas holidays.

This Christmas has been incredible. 
Normally in this epoch I’m go to skiing with my family and friends to the Alps, but this year we have not gone, however it has been a few fantastic Christmas.

In Santa Claus, always I’m in my village with the family of my father. They gave me a jacket Slam, a book and money. 
In Kings, that I am with the family of my mother, they gave me a suitcase, books, clothes, a bag of bathroom, money and more things 

I have spent the Christmas with my friends and with my family. 

I have been very much days in my village, Aín (Castellón), where I have spent very well. 
I had an incredible and new experience. 

As my village is in the mountain, there are many caves and we went to three of them.

It was an enormous room, where you were going down little by little. 
When you arrive at end of the cave there was a river of three meters of depth, where if you go with experts it is possible to happen diving. It was very nice, to be they saw many stalactites. 
This cave is incredible and alone it is opened in this epoch because now it is when the bats protected from this zone are hibernating. 

It is undoubtedly it was that more I like me.
We were taking a rope because it’s was a very narrow cave and dangerous, but precious. 
There were parts where you had to lie down in the soil and to crawl for the soil because it was very narrow. 
To the being winter everything was more complicated because everything was humid and was slipping, but it was very entertaining. 
When the cave is ended you were coming to a big room full of water and mud, precious where there were many stalactites. 
For much that was been cold and was a winter, we start ourselves wetting. Later quite we were sick, but it cost a sorrow. 

It was an incredible experience. 

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